To increase the size of your brush, press the right Bracket key.When you’re done, be sure to change the Mode back to Normal for the next time you use the brush.You can sample more than one hair color when using this technique.Because the brush is in the Color Mode, it only affects the color of the hair. ěrush over the gray hair to apply the Foreground color.

In Tool Options, change the Mode to Color.Ĝlick to sample a color from the part of the hair that isn’t gray.Press Alt (Mac: Opt) to temporarily get the Eyedropper tool.Ĝlick on a color in your active document to choose that color.Press Alt (Mac: Opt) to temporarily turn your cursor into an Eyedropper tool.If you see the color you want on your photo, you can use a keyboard shortcut instead.To choose a new color, click on the Foreground Color Chip and choose a color from the Color Picker.

Press the letter X to switch the Foreground and Background colors.You can press the letter D to revert to the default colors of black over white.Not every brush uses color-the brush in the Eraser tool doesn’t- but the ones that do use color take their color from the Foreground Color Chip.In Tool Options make sure the Brush tool icon is selected. The shortcut for the Brush tool is the letter B.Many Photoshop Elements tools use brushes, so knowing a few brush shortcuts will greatly enhance your ability to work with those tools. Shortcuts to Better Brushwork in Photoshop Elements